eight weeks of
devotion to mother
come refine & restore the foundations of sustainable, virbant motherhood - together
I'M INÂ as you devote yourself to their childhood,
devote yourself to your motherhood as well
the world may feed us a story of motherhood that reeks of depletion, looks like exhaustion, and feels like confusion.
but the story of sustainable, connected, nourished motherhood is alive and well within your bones.
it is yours
to reclaim
& restore
you will receive,
intimate weekly group calls
somatic practice
intuitive writing prompts
rhythm + ritual suggestions
personalized support
a community of conscious mothers walking with you
all thoughtfully crafted to hold you as we explore & integrate,
befriending the nervous system
building safety in the body
attuning to nourishment
cyclical living
- family rhythm & ritual
the restoration of reverence
 magnetizing community
and more, to be discovered together
My time with Nicole has been invaluable as it has guided me towards the ever better version of myself as a woman, a wife, a mother, a homemaker & a friend. It’s hard to put it all into words but just know that Nicole is ALWAYS worth the investment.
What happens if I miss a live call?
I don't live in the US - will the call time work for me?
Will I have the chance to be mentored directly?
Is this lifetime access?
I've consumed all kinds of information on nervous system work or embodiment - how is this any different?
Have another question?
should you have any additional questions, i am here for you
[email protected]